Since Spring of 2022, the fire companies in Fire Region 5 have been meeting to discuss ways we can standardize some of our operations for better efficiency on fire scenes. This endeavor came partly as a result of similar discussions that had occurred among departments in fire regions 4 & 6. Since many of our companies are commonly working together on incidents, it makes sense to increase our communication. John Remillard from Norristown and Blaine Leis from Upper Merion joined us for our first meeting last year to discuss some of the topics they had worked on in their areas and the successes and challenges faced. Since that time, we have met on a bi-monthly basis with representation from all companies within Region 5. All of us getting together to discuss these important topics is a win and we have already distributed Standard Operating Guidelines regarding fire ground accountability and radio channel usage on box alarms, which many companies have already adopted as of the new year. We have also developed a staffing SOG (in compliance with the existing County standard) and will be moving ahead with additional guidelines in 2023. We will next meet on January 18th at station 88-A to outline our progress in 2022 and establish goals for 2023.